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Philodendron Mican (Philodendron Hederaceum)
  • Philodendron Mican (Philodendron Hederaceum)

    Philodendron Mican es similar a una hoja de corazón Philocendron, pero tiene un aspecto y tacto aterciopelados.   Las hojas de terciopelo le dan un aspecto de textura lujosa.   


    Micans puede soportar condiciones de luz ligeramente más bajas, aunque no florecerá tanto y las hojas crecerán un poco más pequeñas. 


      Plant ships in nursery pot. Decorative pot is not included.

      HOW TO GROW:

      Grow Philodendron Mican in a medium-light spot, it can tolerate lower light conditions but the plant will be slow-growing.  

      Water philodendron Micans when the potting medium dries out.  Take care not to overwater, which can lead to root rot. 

      Fertilize in the spring and summer with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer or slow release. (Follow the directions on the fertilizer packaging to know how much fertilizer to use and how often to apply it.)

      Philodendrons also appreciate warm humid temperatures so make sure to protect them from cold drafts. Like many aroids, they need above-average humidity to do their best, but can acclimate to other conditions.

      Philodendrons are not for human or animal consumption.


      See our Store Policies.


      Plant ships in a nursery pot; decorative pot is not included.  

      USPS and UPS are our preferred carriers. 

      See Shipping Policies for our shipping schedule. 

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